来源:中国科学人才网 发布时间:2015-12-14 阅读次数:次
香港浸会大学整合生物信息医学与转化科学研究所正面向全球招聘生物信息学/系统生物学/计算生物学/药物设计领域的博士后/研究助理教授。该职位获得者将会加入一个高影响力的研究团队,进行尖端科学研究,同时也会承担一部分教学任务或其他相关工作。 申请人应该具有生物信息学,系统生物学,计算生物学,或药物设计,或相关背景的博士学位,优秀的英文写作技巧及团队合作能力。申请人应该表现出成为优秀研究人员的潜质,包括具有完整的研究经历,良好的论文发表记录,以及基金申请的能力。
职位信息:生物信息学/系统生物学/计算生物学/药物设计(包括但不限于,高通量组学,计算机辅助药物设计,大数据分析,数据科学,深度学习,整合计算平台和数据资源解决本学院的战略研究问题)。首份合约期为两或三年。合约到期后是否续约取决于双方意愿和基金充裕状况。薪资状况根据职位获得者资历和研究背景确定。详情请联系张戈教授(邮件:zhangge@hkbu.edu.hk) 和祝海龙教授(邮件:hlzhu@hkbu.edu.hk )
申请处理流程:申请人请提供简要的研究陈述及最新个人简历,发给张戈教授(邮件:zhangge@hkbu.edu.hk)和祝海龙教授(邮件:hlzhu@hkbu.edu.hk ),并请随信附上已最近发表的代表性研究论文。
Institute of Integrated Bioinformedicine and Translational Science (http://ibts.hkbu.edu.hk/) in Hong Kong Baptist University
Postdoctoral Research Fellow / Research Assistant Professor in Bioinformatics / System Biology / Drug Design / Computational Biology
Institute of Integrated Bioinformedicine and Translational Science (http://ibts.hkbu.edu.hk/) in Hong Kong Baptist University presently offers BSc, MSc, MPhil, and PhD Programmes, now seeks outstanding applicants for ‘Postdoctoral Research Fellow’ or ‘Research Assistant Professor’ in the areas of Bioinformatics, Systems Biology, Computational Biology, Drug Design, or related disciplines. The appointees will work within an established group in the school. They are also expected to perform group-based research and meanwhile to undertake some teaching duties.
Applicants should possess a PhD degree in Bioinformatics, Systems Biology, Computational Biology, Drug Design, or a related discipline, and must possess excellent written technique and teamwork skill. Qualified applicants should have demonstrated high potential of becoming excellent researcher, including sound research experiences, strong publication record, and potential of bidding research grants.
Post: Bioinformatics, System Biology, Computational Biology, Drug Design (e.g. Omics research; computational pharmacology and drug discovery; big data analytics; data science, deep learning, integration of computational platform and data resources to tackle core problems in strategic areas). Initial appointment will be made on a fixed-term contract of two or three years. Re-appointment thereafter is subject to mutual agreement and availability of funding. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. For enquiry, please contact Prof. Ge Zhang (email: zhangge@hkbu.edu.hk) and Prof. Hailong Zhu (email: hlzhu@hkbu.edu.hk ).
Application Procedure: Applicants are invited to send a brief statement of research and an updated curriculum vitae to Prof. Ge Zhang (email: zhangge@hkbu.edu.hk ) and Prof. Hailong Zhu (email: hlzhu@hkbu.edu.hk ). Other application materials include the most representative publications (full paper) in recent years, or any materials that may help in supporting your application. All application materials will not be returned to applicants.
Closing date: Until the post is filled.