
属于自然科学或工程技术领域,年龄不超过40岁;具有博士学位,在海外知名高校、科研机构或者知名企业研发机构有正式教学或科研职位,取得博士学位后在海外连续从事科研工作36个月以上;取得同行专家认可的科研成果,且具有成为该领域学术或者技术带头人的发展潜力。在海外取得博士学位、业绩特别突出或者国家急需紧缺的人才,可适当放宽海外工作年限要求。申报时未全职在国内工作,或者在国内工作不超过1年。 ■年薪(税前)50万+ ■科研经费国家100-300万,学校配套300万 ■住房补贴250万(含国家、上海市、学校生活补贴),提供全配过渡性人才公寓,可拎包入住 ■教授职位,具有博士招生资格

学院 | 招聘学科 | 联系人 | 电话(021) | |
化工学院 | 化学工程与技术 | 孙莉 | 64253159 | hgxy@ecust.edu.cn |
化学与分子工程学院 | 无机化学 | 宋卓 | 64253135 | songzhuo@ecust.edu.cn |
分析化学 | ||||
物理化学 | ||||
化学生物学 | ||||
生物工程学院 | 生物工程 | 顾玫 | 64253019 | shgb@ecust.edu.cn |
生物学 | ||||
生物化工 | ||||
食品科学与工程 | ||||
药学院 | 药学 | 牛婧 | 64251033 | nj@ecust.edu.cn |
制药工程与技术 | ||||
农药学 | ||||
材料科学与工程学院 | 材料科学与工程 | 顾婷 | 64253365 | clyb@ecust.edu.cn |
信息科学与工程学院 | 信息工程 | 许浩 | 64253325 | xuhao@ecust.edu.cn |
电子信息工程 | ||||
计算机科学与技术 | ||||
控制科学与工程 | ||||
人工智能技术 | ||||
机器人工程 | ||||
生物信息学 | ||||
电气工程 | ||||
神经工程 | ||||
软件工程 | ||||
信息安全 | ||||
数据科学与大数据技术 | ||||
人工智能 | ||||
机械与动力工程学院 | 动力工程及工程热物理 | 李煜佳 | 64252954 | yujiali@ecust.edu.cn |
机械工程 | ||||
安全科学与工程 | ||||
力学 | ||||
人工智能 | ||||
声学 | ||||
材料加工、材料学 | ||||
能源与环境 | ||||
资源与环境工程学院 | 环境工程 | 石晶 | 64252737 | shijing@ecust.edu.cn |
环境科学 | ||||
能源化工/热能工程 | ||||
热能工程 | ||||
安全科学与工程 | ||||
资源循环科学与工程 | ||||
理学院 | 数学 | 何丽雅 | 64252839 | heliya@ecust.edu.cn |
物理 | ||||
商学院 | 应用经济学 | 李宏辉 | 64253882 | hhli@ecust.edu.cn |
工商管理 | ||||
会计学 | ||||
金融学 | ||||
信息管理与信息系统 | ||||
物流管理 | ||||
工程管理 | ||||
社会与公共管理学院 | 社会学 | 梁晶华 | 64252125 | ljh@ecust.edu.cn |
国家安全学 | ||||
行政管理 | ||||
公共管理 | ||||
社会工作 | ||||
艺术设计与传媒学院 | 工业设计 | 范素娟 | 64253358 | sjfan@ecust.edu.cn |
产品设计 | ||||
视觉传达设计 | ||||
环境设计 | ||||
风景园林 | ||||
数字媒体艺术 | ||||
外国语学院 | 英语 | 熊祥军 | 64250798 | xxj@ecust.edu.cn |
日语 | ||||
德语 | ||||
法学院 | 法学理论 | 王义坤 | 64252051 | ykwang@ecust.edu.cn |
宪法与行政法学 | ||||
刑法学 | ||||
民商法学 | ||||
诉讼法学 | ||||
经济法学 | ||||
环境法学 | ||||
国际法学 | ||||
体育科学与工程学院 | 体育学 | 徐立功 | 64253001 | xuligong@ecust.edu.cn |
经济学 | ||||
工学 | ||||
马克思主义学院 | 马克思主义理论 | 张丽华 | 64252046 | lhzhang@ecust.edu,cn |
联系人:赵老师 徐老师
电话:86-21-64252021 86-21-64253815
Email: rsc@ecust.edu.cn、ecust_rsc@163.com
East China University of Science and technology (ECUST) is a key university directly under the administration of the Ministry of Education (MOE) of the People's Republic of China. Located in Shanghai, a center of China’s economy, finance, commerce and shipping, ECUST is listed on Project 211 and 985 Project Innovation Platform. In 2017, ECUST was chosen to participate in the Double First-Class Plan. Based on Essential Science Indicators (ESI) database, Chemistry, Material Science, Engineering, Biology and Biochemistry, Pharmacology and Toxicology, Agricultural Science, Computer Science, Environmental Ecology in ECUST rank top 1% globally, Chemistry being among top 1‰. Chemical Engineering and Technics was assessed as No.1 in MOE’s 4th Discipline Assessment. In the newly released 2020 QS University Rankings, ECUST was 28th among China mainland universities. According to Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings, ECUST situated at 28th among China mainland universities. In 2020 US News University Rankings, ECUST was at 41st among China mainland universities. And based on 2020 ESI Chinese University Rankings, ECUST was at 28th.
ECUST is comprised of 3 campuses, with the main campus situated in the prosperous and energetic Xuhui District. In addition to its downtown campus, the university also features two other beautiful campuses in Fengxian and Jinshan District. Currently, there are more than 3000 faculty and staff members. Among them are 8 academicians of either the Chinese Academy of Sciences or the Chinese Academy of Engineering, 1 fellow of the European Academy of Sciences and over 100 National talents such as the National Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars.
In the new era, ECUST is making efforts to cultivate a batch of high-quality talents featured with patriotism, noble sentiments, innovative spirit, international vision, practical abilities and leadership. The university focuses on fostering a group of strategic scientific research talents, scientific and technological talents, young scientific talents and high-level innovation teams of international standards. Geared to the national demands in life and health, environmental safety, energy equipment, smart manufacturing and social governance, and the frontiers of world science and technology, ECUST is striving to become a first-class socialist university rooted in China.

Positions and Compensation Packages
1.Recruitment Program for Young Professionals
Applicants engaged in scientific researches and below the age of 40, possess a PHD degree granted by prestigious overseas universities, with formal teaching and researching positions in overseas prestigious universities, institutions or enterprises for consecutive 36 or more months, who will be able to work full time in China. As the elites among the peers in certain field, the young professionals shall have the potential of becoming leading figures in the future. Outstanding PHD students can be recruited in exceptional cases. Applicants have no full domestic employment or less than a year upon application.
■Annual salary: 500,000 RMB or more (before tax).
■National research fund:1,000,000-3,000,000 RMB, a 3,000,000 RMB counterpart fund will be provided by ECUST.
■Housing benefits of 2.5 million RMB (including allowance from the National and Shanghai Municipal Governments). Fully furnished Teachers Apartment available at preferential rent.
■Special quotas for recruiting doctoral students provided.
■Help with job arrangements for the spouse as well as talents’ children’s entrance into kindergarten, primary school and secondary school.
■To those failed the final Recruitment Program for Young Professionals defense, ECUST offers associate Distinguished Research Fellow or above.
2.ECUST Distinguished Research Fellow/ Associate Distinguished Research Fellow
(1)Distinguished Research Fellow
Applicants should be under the age of 35 (38 for females) and of high morality in science, dedicated to rigorous research. Applicants should possess a PhD degree granted by prestigious overseas universities, with formal teaching and researching positions in overseas prestigious universities, institutions or enterprises for 2 or more years, who will be able to work full time in China. As the elites among the peers in certain field, the young professionals shall have the potential of becoming leading figures in the future. Applicants have acquired important achievements equal or close to professionals selected in The Recruitment Program for Young Professionals or average top youth talents, have definite research direction and features, and display strong academic potentials.
■Annual salary: 350,000 RMB or more (before tax).
■Research fund:1,000,000 RMB for majors of science and engineering, 500,000 RMB for majors of arts.
■Special quotas for recruiting doctoral students provided.

(2)Associate Distinguished Research Fellow
Applicants should be under the age of 32 (35 for females) and of high morality in science, dedicated to rigorous research. Applicants should possess a PHD degree granted by prestigious overseas universities,have rich research background, have acquired important achievements equal or close to the qualifications for associate professors or research fellows in ECUST, and display quite strong academic potentials. Applicants should be able to work fully in ECUST after being employed.
■Annual salary: 250,000 RMB or more (before tax).
■Research fund: 500,000 RMB for majors of science and engineering, 200,000 RMB for majors of arts.
n Special quotas for recruiting master students provided.
3.Professor/Associate Professors/Young Scholars
Professionals in the fields of sciences, engineering and humanities at home and abroad, have acquired important achievements and displayed quite strong academic potentials. Applicants should be able to work fully in ECUST after being employed.
Competitive payment and development opportunities provided.
■Annual salary: 210,000 RMB or more (before tax) for majors of sciences and engineering, 180,000 RMB or more (before tax) for majors of humanities. PS: All postdocs (unlimited nationalities) are eligible for an additional 100,000 RMB annual salary if obtained Ph.D. degrees from the top 100 overseas universities, an additional 150,000 RMB annual salary if entitled as Shanghai Super Postdocs; an additional 200,000 RMB annual salary if selected in the Project on Postdoctoral International Exchanges and a cumulative additional 300,000 RMB annual salary if selected in the Initiative Postdocs Supporting Program.
■ Residence registration will be processed in line with post-doctor management regulations.
■ Support will be given to working postdocs applying for national and Shanghai talents programs, China National Funds for natural sciences as well as postdoctoral foundations.
■Excellent post-doctors can apply for tenure tracks after their postdoctoral work.
Schools and Department | Contacts | Tel | |
Li Sun |
+86 021-64253159 |
hgxy@ecust.edu.cn |
Zhuo Song |
+86 021-64253135 |
songzhuo@ecust.edu.cn |
Mei Gu |
+86 021-64253019 |
shgb@ecust.edu.cn |
Jing Niu |
+86 021-64251033 |
nj@ecust.edu.cn |
Ting Gu |
+86 021-64253365 |
clyb@ecust.edu.cn |
Hao Xu |
+86 021-64253325 |
xuhao@ecust.edu.cn |
Yujia Li |
+86 021-64252954 |
yujiali@ecust.edu.cn |
Jing Shi |
+86 021-64252737 |
shijing@ecust.edu.cn |
School of Science |
Liya He |
+86 021-64252839 |
heliya@ecust.edu.cn |
Honghui Li |
+86 021-64253882 |
hhli@ecust.edu.cn |
Jinghua Liang |
+86 021-64252125 |
ljh@ecust.edu.cn |
Sujuan Fan |
+86 021-64253358 |
sjfan@ecust.edu.cn |
Xiangjun Xiong |
+86 021-64250798 |
xxj@ecust.edu.cn |
Yikun Wang |
+86 021-64252051 |
ykwang@ecust.edu.cn |
School of Sports Science and Engineering |
Ligong Xu |
+86 021-64253001 |
xuligong@ecust.edu.cn |
Institute of Marxism |
Lihua Zhang |
+86 021-64252046 |
lhzhang@ecust.edu.cn |
Human Resources Office
Address: East China University of Science and Technology, 130 Meilong Road, Shanghai 200237
Website: http://personnel.ecust.edu.cn/
Contact Persons: Yuying Xu, Chang Zhao
Tel: 86-21-64253815, 86-21-64252021